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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Bazaar Bizarre and the SF Etsy Team

Bazaar Bizarre is this weekend in San Francisco. If you haven't heard of it, it's a huge craft fair held in several cities across the US.

I'm not vending there, this is one of those fairs you work up to, not something I felt like doing in my first season of fairs!

So why am I talking about it?

Well first of all, I went to it last year and had a great time and would definitely recommend going if you are in the area.

But, more importantly, the Etsy Team I am a part of - the SF Etsy Team - is going to be there. We will have a team table at Baz Biz so we can tell people what Etsy is and what the team is all about.

I will be helping out at the table on the Saturday (December 3rd) in the morning, representing Etsy and the SF Etsy Street Team! So when you're heading down to check out the wonderful items on offer you should also stop by our table and say hi! :)

Many individual SF Etsy members will also be vending at Baz Biz. I'll share a few of my favourite when I find out exactly who will be there, hopefully in time for my Thursday Featured Artist post


  1. thanks again for volunteering to help out with the booth! I'll be there all day Sunday and am looking forward to it. SF Etsy talent is very well represented at Bazaar Bizarre!

  2. No problem, I'm looking forward to it. It will be nice to finally meet some team members too!
