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Monday 10 October 2011

Inspiration - Rain

It's raining here. Properly chucking it down. It's quite depressing looking out the window at the grey sky and muted buildings. All the more so because I had planned to go shopping today for more items for my craft fair booth (yes, I'm building a booth display so I can start doing craft fairs!). Of course I should be grateful that it rains infrequently enough here that I can just postpone my shopping for a dry day but it's amazing how quick you get used to things!

But rain doesn't have to be depressing. How about that spring rain, short, heavy showers that leave everything looking so much more vibrant and smelling like fresh growth? Or a random heavy downpour on a really hot day, the kind you love to run out and get soaked in? A dramatic thunderstorm at the end of a long, hot summer that releases the tension in the atmosphere and washes everything clean?

Colour Palette from Design Seeds
So today's inspiration post is all about rain. And I want to include a new addition to my inspiration posts as well as the customary Etsy treasury. From the website, a colour palette. If you're ever short of colour inspiration, or just want to stare at beautiful photos, Design Seeds should be the first place you go!

Rain Etsy Treasury

If you have any rain-inspired items please feel free to share them in the comments :)

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