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Thursday 11 March 2010


Pounce is a brilliant tool on Etsy that allows you to find great items and support up-and-coming artists at the same time. You can choose to pounce on shops which have just had a sale or shops with newly-listed items which have never had a sale. If you don't like any of the 3 choices it gives you, you can just pounce again!

Here are a few items I found when I pounced on shops which have never had a sale!

The colours on this bracelet from Minervas Entwine are simply gorgeous and there is a whole range of different colours in the same style and necklaces as well.

Could these be any cuter!? Carrinalau has several designs in vastly different fabrics - something suit everyone

These 2 lovely necklaces (and many more) are available from Shi's Jewelry Box

Crystal Mushroom may not have listed many items but the ones that are listed are all just as intricate as this amazing pendant. I dread to think how much time it took or how fiddly it must have been wrapping all that wire!

And if you pounced on My Etsy you would find this crazy creation - a very funky pair of earrings, newly listed today :)

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