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Monday 27 February 2012

Inspiration - Thistle

There is a reason why I haven't posted for 2 weeks: I've been rethinking the posts I write, considering some new ideas and trying to decide which of my posts you actually like to read.

On that note I am changing the format of my inspiration post and I may play with a few ideas before I settle on one. Here is the first of the new style, let me know what you think!

Thistled Tones from Design Seeds

I love the Design Seeds so I'll definitely be keeping them! This week this gorgeous photo caught my eye and those are some of my favourite colours, beautiful for spring.

Given that this blog is about jewelry I want to shift the focus back that way so I'm leaving out the Etsy treasury and featuring jewelry pieces from all over the web.

Earrings from L.A. Glass Studio

Ring from Anne Sportun

Pendant from Aldari Jewelry Designs

Pendant from Surfside Sea Glass
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for these posts. I'm open to ideas for different ways to do the inspiration posts (or if you think I should scrap them altogether) as well as suggestions of posts you'd like to see in the future. All (related) comments welcome!

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