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Saturday 14 January 2012

Crucible table setup

I know its been a while since I did The Crucible craft show (December 10th and 11th) but I learnt a lot from my first fair and I made a few changes for The Crucible fair which I wanted to share with you. Not to mention The Crucible was definitely the fair I enjoyed the most and also the one I did best at so I like talking about it.

You can see the crazy machinery behind my table in this picture! The Crucible is a really cool venue which offers classes in things like blackmsithing and glass blowing.

There wasn't a good place to hang my banner behind the table this time so I fixed it to the front of my table. Being as the fair was so close to Christmas I also added fairy lights to the table, I ran them along the back, just in front of my risers and you can also see them shining through the tablecloth. I liked them so much I think I will keep them as part of my display throughout the year!

I also printed a credit card sign, to make it even easier for people to know that I accept cards, as well as a sign for my social media information.

I wasn't happy with the way my bracelets were displayed last time so I added another display board the perfect size for pinning bracelet across. I also tried out displaying bangles flat on the table instead of hanging from the twig.

I added a slatted soap tray to better display my stud earrings and I do think people found them easier to see like that. I did also make a catalogue in time for this show but I'm not sure there was any need for it at the fair. I'll post about how I made it (simply and cheaply) in the next few weeks.

Of course I'm now thinking about which fairs to try this year and how I can improve (and maybe expand) my display. Lots of ideas in my head, I'll share them when they're ready :)

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