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Thursday, 25 August 2011

New Toys!

Just a short post this time as I've only picked up a couple of new tools and nothing hugely life changing but still fun!

First is my new texturing hammer. It has indented circles on one side and straight lines on the other. I use the circles side to make it quicker and easier for me to create the general hammered look on a lot of my pieces. 

The other side is more dramatic. This statement necklace is the first item I've used it on and I totally love the way the lines almost make the copper sparkle.

Bold Copper Discs Necklace
The other item is this metal stamp from FusionBeads. I knew I wanted to get a stamp, a fairly generic one that would look good and fit in with most items, so I was looking at flowers and sunshines. When I saw this I knew it was the one - the design just has that extra edge to make it more interesting and I haven't seen it anywhere else.

I haven't actually used it on anything yet; I've been practising using it on scraps of copper and, so far, its proving to be the most challenging new tool to master by far. I find I often get only half the design stamped or I will move it and get an offset duplicate so its going to take a little more work before I can unveil any products with it on.

Does anyone have any tips they want to share with me about metal stamping? Maybe I'm missing something or maybe there is a tool out there that will solve my difficulties? Please comment if you have any help for me :)