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Monday 8 November 2010

New Look

You may have noticed this blog has a new look and indeed that is where I have been putting a lot of my hours recently.

It all started with my website...
I decided that it was about time I used my own theme for my website and also that it should probably focus on jewelry much more than it did before. The wedding jewelry website that I started working on a while ago just didn't feel right and I was trying to do too much with it so I cancelled my domain subscription and integrated it into my main website.

I designed a new theme and also new logo for my CarnelionArt website, one that I feel fits much better with the style of jewelry I make, and this will be changing on my other sites, such as Etsy, very shortly.

So what does this have to do with the blog?
Previously the blog theme and website theme were the same. I took the blog theme and adapted it for use on my site, changing a few colours but mostly just taking the images and re-using them. Now that the website has a whole new look I wanted the blog to fit in with it. I searched high and low for a suitable template. I wanted a clean, white theme but everything I found that even remotely matched those criteria looked so... techy. Search for a pretty/girly/flowing theme and somehow there is always pink or purple involved, or excessive floral decoration.

In the end I used the in-built template designer for blogger, made a few tweaks to the colours and added my new butterfly. Whilst its clearly different from my website, I'm happy that the two complement each other. Take a look at my website and see for yourself :)

And where are the latest Bootcamp posts?
Don't worry, I'll be catching up on those over the next few days. I have quite a few other things to share with you too!

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