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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Bootcamp Week 3

I know, I know, its not week 3 but hey, better late than never!

The tasks are:

Check in with your Boot Camp Buddy

Post in the Boot Camp forum thread

As always task 1 is easy... in fact I did this during the actual week I was supposed to.

OK task 2 needs a little more explanation so here it is:

"Create three lists of keywords. The first list will describe your buyer's attributes; if your buyer was the lead character in a play, what keywords would you attribute to that character? The second list should describe your style (have a peek at the Tag-O-Rama Etsy Blog Post for help with this one!). Your last list should describe your values as an artist and as a business owner. "

I have always avoided trying to profile my buyers because the type of jewelry people wear often surprises me. I have seen so many people wearing a style of jewelry that does not fit (in my opinion) with their style of clothing or their personality for example. That's not to say it looks bad, its just not the style of jewelry I would have imagined them in had I seen them without any. 

But I know this is a really important aspect of any business and should help me to target my item descriptions better... so here goes...

Buyer Attributes:
Arty, Female, Successful, Caring, Independent, Creative, Boho

Style Keywords:
Rustic, Contemporary, Hammered, Simple, Swirls

Key Brand Values:
Imagination, Individuality, Quality, Loyalty

Phew, onto task 3: telling a story on your Etsy profile. The number of times I have written and re-written my "story" is getting silly and I still haven't found one I'm happy with. Horrible memories of writing my first personal statement at school are floating around in my head right now. The first one I wrote made me want to vomit, it was so sickly, over the top and insincere. But eventually I did manage to write one that I was happy with so I suppose I must have faith that this will be the case here too!

Having just re-read my Etsy profile I have to say that I am actually happy with it. Its not exactly a story but I think it does let a lot of me shine through. So I am going to take this task and actually use it to write a good story on my website instead. You can see the finished result here though it is missing a few pictures which will be added as soon as I get some suitable ones taken

Since I never managed to get a buddy task 4 is impossible and as we have already discussed I'm not going to complete task 5.

However I have done task 6, though it is something I think I already do anyway.
Check back soon (before next week) for the next bootcamp update as I try to catch up!

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