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Thursday 5 August 2010

Why I love Google Reader

Ok so this post is only marginally jewelry related but it is 100% blog related so I wanted to share it with you!

A few weeks ago I discovered Google Reader. Before that I hardly used to read the blogs I followed because it was such a pain to do. Opening up each blog individually is time consuming and you can't tell when there are new posts so you don't even know if its going to be worthwhile opening it! If, like me, you follow a lot of blogs this is just unfeasible.

Blogger is marginally better as it lists all the blogs and tells you which have new posts and then displays the blog on the right. Unfortunately it only displays the intro to the blog and you still have click the link to open the whole blog if you want to read the rest.

Google reader, on the other hand, works in a similar way but displays the entire blog post for easy reading. It will also display all the new blog posts (from all different blog sites) one after the other, so you just need to keep scrolling. When you've scrolled to the bottom it recognises that you've read it and unmarks it :) Now I am able to keep up with all my blogs so easily I am always up-to-date on them. Google reader will also import your blog list from blogger, so you don't need to add them again separately, and it copes perfectly well with blogs from other blogging sites too :)

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