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Saturday 5 March 2011

Inspiration - Fresh Cut Grass

The word 'spring' is an inspiration in itself. Simply thinking it evokes many many different images, emotions and memories in people. Smell and memory are supposed to be closely linked and, for me, spring is the season with the most evocative smells - fresh cut grass, rain on rich soil to name a couple. Spring is also the season I associate with the most vibrant colours. Admittedly autumn comes close but those colours are all from a small segment of the spectrum, spring brings colours only otherwise seen in man-made items, and does it in sharp contrast to the white and grey of winter.

For today's inspiration post I have picked up on one tiny aspect of spring and just one of those vibrant colours. Here is the associated treasury, featuring quite a few artists from the SF Etsy Team:

I have no fewer than five different types of green beads on order and four more already in stock, including peridot, emerald and aventurine, so I am hoping this post will help me to create something amazing with them when they arrive.

Let me know if this post inspires you to create, I'd love to hear about it :)

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