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Sunday 20 June 2010

Listen to the waves lapping...

I love the sound of waves gently lapping against the beach, in fact I love being on the beach. For me, beaches represent holidays and sunshine, time off to relax and enjoy beautiful scenery. The best time to go to the beach is on a warm, summer evening, around sunset. When the air is cool but the sea is still warm enough to paddle through and you can stroll along and enjoy.

This love of the sea has inspired my first Etsy treasury - Listen-to-the-waves. It was surprisingly difficult to find 12 items for the theme, mostly because I decided that the pictures had to fit the colour scheme as well so items I really liked didn't always make the cut.

Whether you spend all summer on the beach, take an all-too-brief vacation to the beach or just wish you could go to the beach, these items will make you feel like you are there!

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